(To be updated as I think of things)

To make things easier, I’ve made an Amazon Wishlist for this blog that eliminates any need to think on your part.  You can shower me with gifts here: http://amzn.com/w/2HGZPJFXQ4AST

If you’d like to send something for me or my students, e-mail me (cookiesandthecaucasus (at) gmail (dot) com) and I’ll give you directions for shipping.  For digital gifts, just use the e-mail address (or my others, if you know them)!

iTunes downloads:
latest episodes of favorite TV shows:

Parks and Recreation (current)
Bones (current),
The Big Bang Theory (very behind! have only seen through Season 5, Episode 13)
White Collar (have watched through the end of Season 3)

Some new music to add some variety to my listening

For my students and friends:

General Interest Magazines–tourist magazines from my state, The Economist, National Geographic, Mental Floss, and The New Yorker have all been big hits–these are great to read and pass around to friends or acquaintances, and even non-English speakers will be able to appreciate the pictures in the magazines.

Easy-to-Read crime and detective novels

anything about law enforcement around the world

American snacks to share (Cheetos, jerky and peanut brittle have all been popular in the past)

Convenience food for when I’m too tired to cook and have had too much khachapuri